Transform Architecture

This selection of works from recent years are based on observation and documentation of industrial architecture or architecture in a state of constructive latency. Spaces that are used as canvases to carry out interventions through pictorial-sculptural structures.

The intervention materials come, for the most part, from abandoned construction debris. These debris have a memory and an aesthetic (shape, color, volume). Decontextualized and altered, they are endowed with a new present.

The works presented in small format (Urban Collage series) are small sculptural assemblages that allow us to understand the nature of the basic elements and their combination, until finding a point of strength-balance.

The works that are presented in large format use this debris, recycling it to rebuild it in a new architectural context, generating a horizontal dialogue with the space in layout and scale.

Re_construcción is one of the series resulting from this process in which work with materials prevails, modified in color and shape to fit into a pictorial composition, and its installation in industrial spaces, seeking harmonization between content and container.

The process ends with the photography of the intervention, based on a work on light and point of view, seeking tension in a controlled imbalance of the location of the elements in architecture and the duality between the three dimensions of space and the two dimensions of photography.

The resulting work, presented in a large format, brings together this entire process and allows the viewer to delve into the experience of the transformation of architecture.

Nicholas Combarro