Esgazados / Juan and Salvador Cidrás

April 2018

“Esgazados” explores the limits of ceramic and textile media from a sculptural perspective, focusing on the forms and textures of the landscape and architecture of its immediate surroundings.

The ceramic pieces are inspired by the constructive solutions of rural Galicia: impossible and improvised combinations of corrugated metal and superimposed panels on the roofs. The Uralito series is created from assembled pieces, joining ceramic planes with reliefs. The pieces shown in the exhibition gain in size and complexity of forms. A new incorporated element, “the base” highlights a game of assembling forms that dilute that initial idea of a container base, turning it into a kind of modular wall. In these new pieces, the smooth pieces of the exterior and the shiny texture of the interior merge to establish new spatial relationships between the holes and the volumes.

In the case of the textile pieces, the three-dimensional possibilities of looms are investigated, taking advantage of the flexible base of the warp to develop spatial relationships between the texture provided by the fabric, wood or metal of the frame and the plane of the wall. Monochrome compositions allow to create textured designs using different thicknesses of yarn.