Ran Zhan
Resolution of Traits 3.1/3.2, 2019
Acrylic, watercolor, ink and pigment over inkjet printing
170cm x 112cm (c/u)
Fictitious objects envelop the crystal structure of full-length human cytoplasmic dynein.
Thanks to a methodology based on connections and sensitive findings Romantic Bullets Position Effectively begins to come to life with Ran Zhang’s Resolution of Traits 3, where the artist builds fictitious objects around a protein structure to show a molecular reality that cannot be seen but needs a visual experience to be understood. Ran is interested in the motor proteins that are responsible for converting chemical energy into mechanical work within many organisms, allowing us not only to move, but also to see.
Biografía Ran Zhang
Born in Tianjin, China, she lives in Rotterdam and Berlin. Ran Zhang graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. She attended the artist residency program at Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam from 2011 to 2013. She received the Danfoss Art Award gold and bronze prize in 2008; Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst Ontwikkelbudget and Mondriaan Fonds Werkbijdrage Jong Talent in 2014. Her work has been part of the permanent collection at the Hexiangning Museum since 2015 and in the Artothek Collection in N.B.K. since 2020. Some of Zhang’s recent exhibitions include ‘Trait Resolution’ at L’ahah in Paris and ‘Enantiomers and Traces’ at Galerie Plan B in Berlin in 2020.