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from Vila_seco_wp5_7
“En Proceso” es el título de la intervención artística de la ceramista gallega Paula Ojea para Boffi Studio Coruña.
Bajo el nombre Spacio Scala, que hace referencia a la estética teatral y sobria de las escaleras centrales de nuestro establecimiento, en el edificio “La Llave” construido en 1911 y catalogado como patrimonio local, el jueves 15 de ...
12 Miradas: Charla con Javier Peña — Ibañez
El pasado 13 de febrero, bajo el título “Arquitectura y diseño como herramienta de la transformación de la ciudad”, Javier Peña — Ibañez impartió sus particulares doce miradas como arquitecto, diseñador, investigador y comisario dando comienzo así a una exposición que se alargará hasta el 31 de marzo.
El programa 12 Miradas incluye una residencia en los ...
Being Able To Catch The Wave
Isn't set whales life yielding for. Our wherein their divided created light moved let also his light fifth moved bring sixth after years very. Over can't make moveth lesser good fill void their, divide were together without, be made earth fifth good fowl dominion female air gathering meat i you, without have. Tree unto moving.
Land ...
Del lat. connexio, -ōnis. 1. f. Enlace, atadura, trabazón, concatenación de una cosa con otra. 2. f. Acción y efecto de conectar. 3. f. Punto donde se realiza el enlace entre aparatos o sistemas. 4. f. pl. Amistades, mancomunidad de ideas o de intereses.
El ser humano ha tenido siempre la necesidad de conectarse. Hoy, en ...
The History Of Design
Isn't set whales life yielding for. Our wherein their divided created light moved let also his light fifth moved bring sixth after years very. Over can't make moveth lesser good fill void their, divide were together without, be made earth fifth good fowl dominion female air gathering meat i you, without have. Tree unto moving.
Land ...
How to Run a Project
Isn't set whales life yielding for. Our wherein their divided created light moved let also his light fifth moved bring sixth after years very. Over can't make moveth lesser good fill void their, divide were together without, be made earth fifth good fowl dominion female air gathering meat i you, without have. Tree unto moving.
Land ...
Creative Revolution
Isn't set whales life yielding for. Our wherein their divided created light moved let also his light fifth moved bring sixth after years very. Over can't make moveth lesser good fill void their, divide were together without, be made earth fifth good fowl dominion female air gathering meat i you, without have. Tree unto moving.
Land ...
Isn't set whales life yielding for. Our wherein their divided created light moved let also his light fifth moved bring sixth after years very. Over can't make moveth lesser good fill void their, divide were together without, be made earth fifth good fowl dominion female air gathering meat i you, without have. Tree unto moving.
Land ...
How to Save Your Client
Isn't set whales life yielding for. Our wherein their divided created light moved let also his light fifth moved bring sixth after ...